Thanks for signing up! Become a VIP and get a Limited Edition Cerro Gordo Game Coin Pin!

Place a $2 deposit now and pledge to any tier of your choice when we launch and you will receive a Limited Edition Coin Pin in addition to your order! ($20 MSRP value)

We are launching October 1st and the pin will not be available on the kickstarter. If  we have left overs we will offer them at retail price at the end of the campaign. 

The Early Bird tier prices start at over 25% off the MSRP, and the game may or may not make it to retail. Right now we are anticipating the game costing between $25-40 plus shipping. This is your chance to get it at the most affordable price, and potentially your only chance to get your hands on the game at all.

The limit is one pin per customer and per kickstarter order. Although we may make additional pins available for purchase at a higher price if we have availability. 

By signing up, you will also be notified first on our launch t have the earliest chance the few early bird slots available.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does the $2 reservation do?

The $2 reservation gives you a limited edition pin at $20 MSRP, in exchange for helping us know when we are ready to launch. You’ll be the first to know when we launch by putting your $2 deposit. The pin is only available if you place a deposit now and then back the kickstarter sometime during the campaign. The pin will be delivered with your kickstarter order.

2. 100% Guarantee When We Launch

You're backing us by placing your $2 deposit, in the very off chance our kickstarter doesn’t reach its goal, then you will get your deposit back. However, because we are making this very special offer for the pin at over 75% off MSRP, we can not offer any refunds for the deposit in other scenarios.

3. How and when will I receive my limited edition pin?

You will select the pin in the pledge manager after the Kickstarter has finished! We will verify that you made this deposit. The pin will be delivered after the kickstarter is complete, manufacturing is finished and we send out the orders to all our backers.

The limit is one per customer at this price and per kickstarter order. We may make additional pins available at $10+ if we have quantity available. 

4. What countries is this available for?

This offer available for anyone in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the following countries:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
If you’re in another country, we recommend finding a friend's address you can use! Prices vary by location